The day to celebrate one of our favorite superheroes is coming - that’s right! Mother’s day is just around the corner and there are a lot of ways to show our moms just how awesome they are!
Whether you are a single mom, a working mom, or even a fur mom, this day is for you!
To the mom who single handedly raised you to become who you are now, the mothers who are experiencing an especially difficult Mother's Day this year since it is their first, to the mothers who never slept to make sure that you were sleeping well, to mother’s who have to live and work away from their kids, to the mother’s who had to raise their children alone, to the grandmother’s who make sure that their grandchildren are given the love and care that they need, to mother’s who are waiting for their turn, to the amazing mother-in-laws whose grown sons and daughter-in-laws who receives hand draw cards, even to those fur moms who try their best to spoil their fur babies.
All our moms are real-life superheroes in the universe!
Which is why we’ve got 5 ways to show your mother how much you love them this mothers day!
#5: The old-school handwritten letters and flowers
If you're a student and can't afford any expensive gifts, this is an excellent way to express to your mother how much she means to you!

You don’t have to worry if your handwriting isn’t the best, this one simple act can make your mother know how much you appreciate them.
Let me let you in on a secret.
I used to write letters for my parents ever since I learned how to write, and to this day I never knew until I actually unpacked their files that they’ve saved and framed those letters and flowers that I’ve handpicked from my neighbor's garden. I asked my mom why she did that, and she told me that receiving those letters had made her so happy that she stopped doubting how good of a job she did in raising me.
That one simple act made her feel like the whole world. It gave her the reassurance that she was not only doing a good job but that it was my way of showing her how much I love her.
Now, these days, handwritten letters may seem “effortless” or “small” but it means so much more.
#4: Eggs, bread, a little dash of mayonnaise, and her favorite mug
You guessed it right!
It’s time to make her breakfast!
Our moms would always wake up when everyone is asleep just to make sure that everything is ready for us before we go to school, work, or even a playdate. So what if on this special day of the year, we treat our moms to breakfast in bed or if she’s in a rush “breakfast-on-the-go.”

Prepare foods that she enjoys the most. You may also include a wish message in the tray to express your affection for her. If you’re not quite sure on the type of food that she loves. Here are a few easy-to-cook or food for breakfast.
Now before the day of- go buy your ingredients at the nearest supermarket or if you’re not old enough, ask someone who can accompany you.
Now, who doesn’t like surprises?
I mean, other than Sheldon Cooper from the tv series Big Bang Theory.
Our mothers have always planned our birthdays and made sure we would be surprised when we were kids. This time, it’s your time to make the surprise!
But please, not the kind of surprise that would give your mother a heart attack.
A well-planned dinner with cake and a date with the most handsome man (her husband) or the most incredible children that she has, or if you’re living far away from her, you could always come for a surprise visit.
Make sure to order that cake in advance, and make room for driving or traveling on the day of or the day before.
P.S. don’t be like me. I know at times we get too excited and ruin the surprise before doing it by telling them hints and eventually spilling the tea.
#2: SPA DAY!
No matter how supercool our mom is with taking care of official matters, taking care of household chores, and making sure that we are well-fed. It’s definitely time to give our mom the well-deserved spa day she deserves.
Because of the endless responsibilities, our mom often forgets to take time to rest and take care of themselves. You could even take the spa day with them! To bond together with her, and catch up with what’s happening in both your lives.

I honestly wish I did this earlier because I didn’t have a close enough relationship with my mom. We were mostly distant and had a lot of arguments. Despite the letters I gave her, I never really was able to give her time to just rest and talk. Until recently I had scheduled these mini-dates and spa days that we were able to actually talk and open up. P.S. I totally cried in the spa.
#1: Indoor card games!
The best way to bond when you’re indoors is definitely her favorite games!
It may be weird like covering each other with weird unmatched make up, playing twister, or even giving mom and dad the ultimate couple card game to keep the love glowing.
You heard me right!
I gave my mom and dad the couple reconnect for mothers day and she was so excited to start playing it! She even had to pull my dad out of bed from watching a movie so he could play it with her!
Now, my dad isn’t the most expressive person but these cards really help him express how much he loves my mom, and I honestly think that’s the best mother’s day gift ever.
Words: Jan of Life Sutra